The Amish Healer's Plan

Sugar = Raw Honey

Salt=Bragg’s Amino Acids


Nutrition Balance of Protein Over Growth

9 weeks:

 1 tsp. Red Clover Blend

 1  tsp. Whole Apricots (extract)                                 

6 Food Enzymes

6 Parsley

6 Pau de Arco



1 qt. Carrot & Celery juice mixed (1 pint each)


4 months: EAT ONLY – fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts (especially almonds), legumes, real butter and cottage cheese (no salt).

OMIT ALL – animal protein, eggs cheese and other dairy products, sugar salt, white flour, peanuts.



            This plan is by Solomon J. Wickey.


The herbs for nine weeks, the juice for four months, and the diet for four months, is done all, for the first nine weeks, you take the herbs, make the juice, and eat the diet; for the next two months, you are on just the juice and the diet.

  From what I've read:

(1.) AN EFFECTIVE HEALING PLAN that has a solid track record of success (personal testimonies of real people who have been healed) the best way to succeed at getting healed with (2.)pure water, and (3.)walking daily, with (4.)prayer/Bible reading. Also, see Bill Henderson's site,, for ways to live a long time after cancer.



 Disclaimer: The above protocol is for informational purposes only. The entire

content of my website is based on my opinion and research, unless otherwise

noted. In the event you choose this or a similar protocol you may want to talk to

your doctor or qualified health care professional first. The information I have

provided in my website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information and

is not intended, as medical advice. I would encourage you to make your own

health care decisions based upon your own research along with your doctor or

health care professional. Products (or their distributors) mentioned on this site do

not make any claim to any specific benefits that might be achieved by using them.

This information is not specific to any company’s products. Statements have not

been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The entire risk as to the use

of this website is assumed by the user.

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